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11/23/2024, Saturday - Beach Ride & Nights of Lights

On Saturday morning we found a farmers market at The Amp (a concert venue) in St. Augustine Beach.

It's a lovely market under the live oak trees, and we found some yummy Indian food, gluten-free muffins, and arepas.

We also enjoyed some fun, folksy music from this large group of musicians.

After lunch and naps we went for a 12-mile or so bike ride on the beach.

It was a slightly cool day, in the 60s, but the sun felt warm and wonderful.

In this section you can also drive cars and trucks on the beach.

In the residential area it seemed that every house had its own private boardwalk to the beach. We're sure that's really great for the sensitive dune environment they warn you to stay off! (You hear the sarcasm, right?)

We saw this couple on one-wheeled scooters also enjoying a ride on the beach. They're lucky we didn't catch video of her wipeout that landed her on her butt, or his wipeout that sent him flying.

At dark we headed into the historic district of St. Augustine for their Nights of Lights. Yup, it's not even Thanksgiving yet, and already the Christmas lights are up.

It was very pretty with all the lights, and there were TONS of people out and about enjoying them.

Even the cool old ship (a tall ship replica), the NAO Trinidad, was lit up for Nights of Lights!



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